
Title : Water Seoul 2024 International Conference
Theme : Adaptation to Climate Change, Urban Sensitivity in Waterfront Spaces
Date : 2024. 9. 6.(Fri) 10:00 ~ 18:00
Venue : Part 1 : Auditorium on 6F of Seodaemun-gu Office
Part 2 : Hongjecheon Artificial Waterfall
Host :
  • Seoul Metropolitan Government


room Conference   |   Seodaemun-gu Office : 248, Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

room Experience Event&Talk Concert   |  Hongje Waterfall(Café Pokpo) : 262-24, Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Subway   Station Bus
Directions from Sinchon Station (Line 2) Exit 2, Green Bus : 7720
Exit 4, Local Bus : Seodaemun 03
Directions from Hongje Station (Line 3) Exit 3 or 4, Green Bus : 7713, 7738
Bus       Station Bus
① In front of Seodaemun District Office/Public Health Center Green Bus : 7017, 7713, 7720, 7738, 8774
Blue Buses 110A, 163
Local Bus : Seodaemun 03
② Opposite Seodaemun District Office/Public Health Center Green Bus : 7017, 7713, 7720, 7738
Blue Buses 110B, 163
Local Bus : Seodaemun 03
③ In front of Hongyeon Bridge Green Bus : : 7017, 7021
④ Opposite the main gate of Dongsin Hospital Green Bus : 7713, 7720, 7738
Blue Buses 110B, 163
Local Bus : Seodaemun 03
⑤ Opposite Seodaemun Cultural and Sports Center Green Bus : 7018
⑥ In front of Seodaemun Cultural and Sports Center Green Bus : 7017, 7018, 7021, 8774
Local Bus : Seodaemun 10
⑦ Seodaemun Registry Office Local Bus : Seodaemun 10