
Registration Guide

  • Pre-registration deadline: September 3rd(Tue) (You can still watch it through YouTube if you miss the registration)
  • Registratino fee : Free.
  • Only those who pre-registered for the conference can participate in the event
  • Please answer (*) marked as mandatory

Privacy Policy

1. Information to be collected and method of collection

(1) Personal information items to be collected
- Personal information items to be collected by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ are as follows:
∘ Information provided by the users
The ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ may collect the information directly provided by the users.
▶ Name, nationality, organization, department, position, phone number, e-mail address
∘ Information collected while the users use services
Besides of information directly provided by the users, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ may collect information in the course that the users use the service provided by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’
▶ IP address, log data, use time, internet protocol address, cookie and web beacons, visited pages regarding service use of users
(2) Method of collectionThe ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ collects the information of users in a way of the followings:
∘ webpage, written form, tools for collection of created information

2. Use of collected information

The Company uses the collected information of users for the following purposes:
∘ Member management and identification
∘ To detect and deter unauthorized or fraudulent use of or abuse of the Service
∘ Improvement of existing services and development of new services
∘ Making notice of function of ‘Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ sites or matters on policy change
∘ To make statistics on member’s service usage and provide services
∘ To provide information on events as well as opportunity to participate
∘ To comply with applicable laws or legal obligation
The ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ agrees that it will obtain a consent from the users, if the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ desires to use the information other than those expressly stated in this Policy.

3. Disclosure of collected information

Except for the following cases, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ will not disclose personal information with a 3rd party:
∘ when disclosure is required by the laws:
- if required to be disclosed by the laws and regulations; or
- if required to be disclosed by the investigative agencies for detecting crimes in accordance with the procedure and method as prescribed in the laws and regulations

4. Cookies, Beacons and Similar Technologies

The ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ may collect collective and impersonal information through 'cookies' or 'web beacons'.
Cookies are very small text files to be sent to the browser of the users by the server used for operation of the websites of the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ and will be stored in hard-disks of the users' computer.
Web beacon is a small quantity of code which exists on the websites and e-mails. By using web beacons, we may know whether an user has interacted with certain webs or the contents of email.
These functions are used for evaluating, improving services and setting-up users' experiences so that much improved services can be provided by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ to the users
The items of cookies to be collected by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ and the purpose of such collection are as follows:
∘ Strictly necessary cookies;This cookie is a kind of indispensible cookie for the users to use the functions of website of the ‘Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’. This cookie does not collect any information which may be used for marketing or memorizing the sites visited by the users.
The users have an option for cookie installation. So, they may either allow all cookies by setting option in web browser, make each cookie checked whenever it is saved, or refuses all cookies to be saved: Provided that, if the user rejects the installation of cookies, it may be difficult for that user to use the parts of services provided by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’.

5. User’s right

The users or their legal representatives, as main agents of the information, may exercise the following rights regarding the collection,
use and sharing of personal information by the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’:
∘ exercise right to access to personal information;
∘ make corrections or deletion;
∘ make temporary suspension of treatment of personal information; or
∘ request the withdrawal of their consent provided before
If, in order to exercise the above rights, you, as an user, use the menu of ‘amendment of member information of webpage or contact the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ by sending a document or e-mails, or using telephone to the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’(or person in charge of management of personal information or adeputy), the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ will take measures without delay: Provided that the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ may reject the request of you only to the extent that there exists either proper cause as prescribed in the laws or equivalent cause.

6. Period for retention and use of personal information

In principle, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ destructs personal information of users without delay when: the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved; the legal or management needs are satisfied; or users request: Provided that, if it is required to retain the information by relevant laws and regulations, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ will retain member information for certain period as designated by relevant laws and regulations. The information to be retained as required by relevant laws and regulations are as follows:
∘ Record regarding contract or withdrawal of subscription: 5 years (The Act on Consumer Protectionin Electronic Commerce)
∘ Log record of users such as internet/data detecting the place of user connection: 3 months(TheProtection of Communications Secrets Act)
∘ Other data for checking communication facts: 12 months (The Protection of Communications Secrets Act)

7. Procedure and method of destruction of personal information

In principle, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ destructs the information immediately after the purposes of its collection and use have been achieved without delay: Provided that, if any information is to be retained as required by relevant laws and regulations, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ retain it for the period as required by those laws and regulations before destruction and, in such event, the personal information which is stored and managed separately will never be used for other purposes. The ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ destructs: hard copies of personal information by shredding with a pulverizer or incinerating it; and delete personal information stored in the form of electric file by using technological method making that information not restored.

8. Technical, managerial and physical measures for protection of personal information

In order to prevent the loss, theft, leakage, alteration or damage of personal information of the users, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ takes technical, managerial and physical measures for securing safety as follows:
- Technical measures
∘ Utilize security servers for transmitting encryption of personal information
∘ Take measures of encryption for confidential information
∘ Install and operate access control devices and equipments
∘ Establish and execute internal management plan
- Managerial measures
∘ Appoint a staff responsible for protecting personal information
∘ Provide education and training for staffs treating personal information
∘ Establish and execute internal management plan
∘ Establish rules for writing passwords which is hard to be estimated
∘ Ensure safe storage of record of access to personal information processing system
∘ Classify the level of authority to access to personal information processing system
- Physical measures
∘ Establish and operate the procedure for access control for the facilities for storing personal information
∘ Store documents and backing storage containing personal information in safe places which have locking device

9. Staff responsible for managing personal information

The staff of the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ responsible for managing personal information is as follows:
∘ Name of staff responsible for managing personal information: Choi Cheol-gyu
Company Name : Mecnwip, Republic of Korea
Tel. : +82-070-5172-4128

10. Modification of Privacy Protection Policy

The ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ has the right to amend or modify this Policy from time to time and, in such case, the ‘Secretariat of Water Seoul 2024 International Conference’ will make a public notice of it through bulletin board of its website (or through individual notice such as written document, or e-mail) and obtain consent from the users if required by relevant laws.

Basic Information

Name *

  * Please enter your information accurately as it will be used for identity verification when checking and updating registration details.

Phone Number *
  • -
  • -

  * *Please enter correctly as it is used for identification purpose when checking and modifying registration information.
Email *
Password *

  * Password must contatin English, combination of numbers. Special characters are not supported

Password Recheck *
Company *
Division *
Position *
Gender *
Age *
Participation Path
Participation Method *
Participating Programs *


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